Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Never Underestimate the Power of Social Media

Today, in my PR tactics class, Katie Felten (@katiefelten) with MKELive came to speak to us about the power of LinkedIn. Because of a class assignment, I've had a LinkedIn account for about a year now, but never knew to the extent of how to fully use it. I'm not really sure how to include all of my notes into paragraph form so instead, I am going to bullet the notes I took. Hope you enjoy and gain as much insight about LinkedIn as I did. (:

  • Top 3 things that is crucial on LinkedIn
  1. Make sure the picture you are displaying is a head shot and is professional looking
  2. Make your title bar is interesting and tells about who you are, not just have it list your current position
  3. Make your summary about yourself POP 
  • Keep the same display picture in all business related social media sites - that way professionals can associate you and find you easily (Facebook is not included)
  • Post updates! Keep updates (or statuses) on LinkedIn professional and business related - example: Looking for an internship with a nonprofit org. for spring semester! 
  • On your profile, there is a section where you can display other websites that you are related to or connected with - put links on them to blog, volunteer pages, etc. HOWEVER, change the link name to something other than mywebsitepage, myblog, etc.
  • Get recommendations from previous employers when you can - great way to establish yourself and give credibility 
  • Join groups that are related to the industry you want to get into. Joining groups not only ups your connections, but also a great way to reach out and get yourself recognized
  • Build up connections that you are passionate about - find people that have similar interests in you (yoga, Starbucks, social media, etc.)
  •  Join local groups like Big Shoes Network 
  • You don't need to be connected with someone to contact them - use the Introductions page (you get 5 free ones) 
  • Use LinkedIn's search bar - it is a great tool to use - USE IT!  
  • Have personality in whatever you do - make yourself stick out!(My favorite part of her advice)
  • FINALLY, Schedule in at least 1 hour per week to work on LinkedIn. 
Katie has been a key speaker to many businesses, classes and other professionals about the power of social media. She is a great asset to the PR world and has aided in the success of many organizations and companies due to her knowledge in social media. In an essence, Katie Felten is the social media queen!
I want to really thank Katie Felten again for this great advice and for coming to our campus (UW-Whitewater) and for speaking to my class! 

Find Me (Amanda) on LinkedIn!: AmandaGabel 


  1. I love that you bulleted your points! It makes it super easy to read. Plus nice plug about wanting an internship with a nonprofit. (I like how you slide it in their under the radar, sneaky!) I agree she is the LinkedIn Queen, but no worries I am sure Knabe will have us up there in now time!

  2. I feel like after reading your blog I was there with the speaker! I'm going to have to add Katie to get more tips on Linkedin! I've already learned it's a great tool for meeting new people in the professional world!

  3. Good summary! I agree with Erin...very easy to read. Plus, I still like your fishies :) I was never too sure on how to fully use LinkedIn, but now I do! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

  4. Haha that little graphic is so awesome, and so true! I must say that I was one of those people that underestimated the power of it until this class. But I really liked the points you made and the format of this blog, it's very easy to follow. Like your information shows, Katie knows her stuff! And I'm glad I got to hear her speak this year.

  5. Wow! I think you covered everything. That is a long list. But they are all very good points. I liked your first paragraph because that was exactly how i felt about LinkedIn.

  6. You did a great job of covering everything that Katie had to say! I love how you created a list instead of just rambling in sentences, definitely broke up your blog! (Oh, and your graphic is too cute too!) I think the whole class learned some valuable information from Katie!
